Barghest is the content management system under development for [|]. It is written in Python and uses a SQL database as its backend. Most of the content there is machine-verifiable mathematical proofs and discussion around them. Developments planned for the near future include doing server-side verification of proofs, as well as mathematical typesetting. Both of these pieces of functionality exist as client-side Python prototypes now.

The text markup language is very strongly based on Creole, with only tables, ordered lists, and images not yet implemented, and a few extensions. All deviations are described on the  [WikiMarkup|] page, and my goal is to resolve as many of those as possible in favor of compatibility. Mathematical proofs are stored in the Ghilbert language, which is based on Norm Megill's Metamath system. Mathematical terms are S-expressions.

[Raph Levien], its developer, is particularly proud of the wikiformat() function, which he feels is clean, robust, and performant compared with many of the wiki formatters he's seen. The code is accessible as a darcs repository at []. The nominal license is GPL, but if you want to use the code under different licensing conditions, ask and ye shall probably receive permission.