You can use [[|WikiCreole]] markup format when editing pages on this site. 

**Paragraphs** are created by simply typing the text. To separate paragraphs, just leave an empty line between them. Line ends will be preserved inside paragraphs.

**Emphasis** can be marked {{{//like this//}}} or {{{**like this**}}}, to produce //italic text// or **bold text**.

**Link** to a {{{[[wiki page]]}}} will render as [[wiki page]]. You can also use {{{[[wiki page|different text]]}}} that will show [[wiki page|different text]]. Web page addresses, like {{{[[|WikiCreole]]}}} can be also used and will display as [[|WikiCreole]].

**Images** are included with {{{{{|WikiCreole Logo}} }}}, the text is displayed when the image cannot be shown. You can put images inside links: {{{[[|{{|WikiCreole Logo}}]]}}}.

**No markup** is in effect if you type text {{{{{{like this}}} }}}, or —  when you need several lines — like this:
line 1
line 2
line 3
}} }

**Headings** are created like this:
== Section heading ==
=== Subsection heading ===
==== Subsubsection heading ====

**Bullet lists** are created like this:
* first item
* second item
** first subitem of second item
* third item

**Numbered lists** are made like this:
# first item
# second item
## first subitem of second item
# third item

**Tables** can be made easily:
| first row first column | first row second column |
| second row first column | second row second column |

**Horizontal line**, like this one
can be used to separate parts of text, you just need to type: