Here is the current state of wiki engines involved in the Creole project. There's a distinction between a wiki and the software the wiki is using. The wiki software is often refered to as a ''wiki engine'' whereas a wiki is a community website using a certain engine. For wiki communities where you already can use Creole see [WikisSupportingCreole] 


!!Engines supporting
Engines that already support Creole. Please add links to Sandboxes for those wikis, where we can try out the creole markup.
* [Oddmuse] - supports [Creole 0.3], [Sandbox|]
* [MoinMoin] - supports [Creole 0.4], [Sandbox|]
* [DokuWiki] - supports [Creole 0.1] through a Plugin, [Sandbox|]
* [TiddlyWiki] - supports [Creole 0.1] through a Plugin, see
* [[JSPWiki]] - supports [Creole 0.3] - [Sandbox|]
* [[Ghestalt]] - supports most of 0.4, with some variations - [Sandbox|]
* [[PmWiki]] - supports 0.4 as an option - [Sandbox|]
* [[PodWiki]] - supports [[Creole 0.3]] - [DemoPage + Sandbox|] through [Format Module|]
* - Creole parser which supports most of 0.4, plus some experimental features - [Sandbox|]

!!Engines partially supporting
* [TracWiki] - [Creole 0.3] through a [patch|] (currently only supports bold, italics and links)

''Add your engine above if it supports or partially supports Creole.''

!!Tools supporting
Tools that already support Creole.  Please add links to Sandboxes for those wikis, where we can try out the creole markup.
* [PEAR Text_Wiki Package] supports [Creole 0.4], [Sandbox|]
* [Drupal] (Content Management System) through the [PEAR Text_Wiki Package]


!!Engines planning

* [C2] (Ward's Wiki, the first wiki)
* [MediaWiki]
* [PurpleWiki]
* [TWiki]
* [SnipSnap] uses [Radeox]
* [InfiniteMonkey]
* [MeatballWiki]
* [XWiki] uses [Radeox]

''Add your engine above, if you plan to implement Creole.''

!!Tools planning
* [Radeox]
* [WikiWizard]

''Add your tool above, if you plan to implement Creole.''

!Also see:
*  [Wiki Popularity].
* [Wikis Supporting Creole]