!!!Changes proposed for Creole 0.4

There is a lot of changes proposed for Creole 0.4, and some of them are interdependent. I will try and list them here, so that we can have a better picture. If I skip something, feel free to add it.

* treat "\n" in paragraphs as space, not as forced line breaks;
* have a "forced line break" markup (which one?);
* start headings with single "=", not double;
* allow "}" at the end of nowiki and preformatted blocks;
* define three kinds of emphasis, but don't define their presentation;
* allow forced line break in table cells;

Changes still discussed that seem too immature for 0.5, probably to be proposed for 0.6:

* quoting markup;
* table headings;
* multiline list items;
* indented block markup;

That's just my "impression" of where we stand, but I think it's important to know it. Now, do we just put it into a draft and discuss it as a whole? This version seems to bring a lot of pretty important changes.