Please add your name to the list and create a page for you, stating what you excpect from creole and how you can be reached.

!!!People at the WMS Workshop, Wikisym 06
* [Ward Cunningham] - inventor of wikis
* [Chuck Smith] - founder of Esperanto Wikipedia
* [Christoph Sauer]
* [Janne Jalkanen] - head developer of JSPWiki
* [Brion Vibber] - head developer of MediaWiki
* [Drk Riehle] - head organizer of WikiSym
* [Andreas Gohr] - head developer of DokuWiki, webmaster of
* [Eugene Kim]
* [Alain Desilets]
* [Silvan Reinhold]
* [Anika Henke]
* [Angelo Di Iorio]
* [Kevin Makice]
* [Mark Gaved]
* [Colas Nahaboo]
* [Harri Lakkala]
* [Matthias L. Jugel]
* [Stephan J. Schmidt]
* [Michel Buffa]

!!!Others that work on this wiki
* [Matthias Hader]

... add yourself here and tell us about you