!!!wiki-creole: wiki-node

The [wiki-nodes-project|http://wikinodes.wiki.taoriver.net/moin.cgi/WikiNodesProject] aims to create a fabric among wikis which allows users to traverse "wikilandia", the universe of all wikis via topically related links. The wiki-node also makes part of the [wiki-net|http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/WikiNet/HomePage].

Welcome to __wiki-creole__. We develop ''creole'', a common wiki markup language to be used across different wikis.

!starting points
* [home|Home]
* [recent changes|RecentChanges]
* [all markup|AllMarkup]
* [engines|Engines]

!wiki-nodes of our neighbors
* [wiki-ohana: wiki-node|http://wikiohana.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/WikiNode]
** [feed|http://wikiohana.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?action=rss], pulling together the "wiki-family" = wiki-ohana
* [wikilandia-guide: wiki-node|http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/WikilandiaGuideWiki/WikiNode]
** [feed|http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/WikilandiaGuideWiki?action=rss], look up wiki-markup in comparison to other engines from everywhere
* [wiki-net: wiki-node|http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/WikiNet/WikiNode]
** [feed|http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/WikiNet?action=rss], information about wikis exchanged between wikis
* add wiki-node

!wiki-creole on center-wikis 
* none so far

!real-time communication
* irc: #creole on freenode
* collab-editor: 
* VoIP: