||__Wiki Engine__|| =.. || &#91;&#91;link&#124; text]] || *.. || #.. || &#123;&#123;{..}}} || &#123;&#123;..&#125;} || ---- || &#60;<..>>
| Creole | heading | link | ul | ol | mono | image | rule | place holder
| MediaWiki | heading | link | ul | ol | __%%(color:orange;) template param%%__ | __%%(color:red;)template%%__ | rule | NU
| TWiki | NU | NC &#91;&#91;link]&#91;text]] | NU | NU | NU | NU | rule= {{{---}}} | NU
| Confluence | NU | NU | ul | ol | NU | __%%(color:red;) mono%%__ | NU | NU
| TikiWiki | __%%(color:orange;) ===..=== is underline %%__ | NU | ul |ol | NU | NU | NU | NU
| PukiWiki | NU | NC &#91;&#91;link>text]] | __%%(color:red;) heading%%__ | NU | NU | NU | rule | NU
| MoinMoin | heading | NU | __%%(color:orange;)ul %%__ | __%%(color:red;)pragma comment %%__ | mono | NU | rule | NU
| PBwiki | NU | NU | ul | ol | NU | NU | NU | NU
| PmWiki | NU | link | ul | ol | NU | NU | rule | NU
| DokuWiki | heading, reversed | link | NU | NU | NU | image | rule | NU
| Socialtext | NU | NU | ul | ol | NU | NU | NU | NU
| PhpWiki | NU | lNU | ul | ol | NU | NU | NU | NU
| MoniWiki | heading | NU | NU | NU  | mono | NU | rule | NU
| TiddlyWiki | NU | __%%(color:orange;) link, reversed%%__ | ul | ol | mono | NU | rule | __%%(color:red;) macro%%__
| JSPWiki | NU | NU | ul | ol | NU | __%%(color:red;) mono%%__ | rule | NU
| SnipSnap | NU | NU | ul | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU
| WackoWiki | heading | NU | ul | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU
| Xwiki | NU | NU | ul | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU
| UseMod | heading | NU | ul | ol | NU | NU | NU | NU
| Midgard Wiki | NU | NU | NU | __%%(color:red;) heading%%__ | NU | NU | NU | NU
| Wikispaces | heading | link | ul | ol | NU | __%%(color:red;) mono%%__ | NU | NU
| FlexWiki| NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU
| Instiki | NU | NU | ul | ol | NU | NU | NU | NU
| Zwiki | NI | NI | NI | NI | NI | NI | NI | NI
| TracWiki | heading | NU | NU | NU | mono | NU | rule | NU
| StikiPad | NU | NU | ul | ol | NU | __%%(color:red;) mono%%__ | NU | NU
||__Wiki Engine__|| =.. || &#91;&#91;link&#124; text]] || *.. || #.. || &#123;&#123;{..}}} || &#123;&#123;..&#125;} || ---- || &#60;<..>>

NU = not used

NC = used but no collision

NI = no info on www.wikimatrix.org

ul = unordered (bulleted) list

ol = ordered (numbered) list

Collisions are shown in __%%(color:red;) red%%__
Partial collisions are shown in __%%(color:orange;) orange%%__. A partial collision is where some, but not all, of the markup collides. So, for example, in TikiWiki ===..=== is used for underline, it partially collides with = for heading, since only the level 3 heading collides.

For simplicity I have not distinguished between monospaced text and preformatted text.

Note that many wikis use single square brackets for links, eg &#91;link|text], I have marked these as NU in for the &#91;&#91;link|text]] markup, since the Creole form is not used and there is no collision.

!!Wikis not using markup