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This page (revision-38) was last changed on 07-Mar-2008 00:51 by RadomirDopieralski  

This page was created on 25-Aug-2006 17:15 by Christoph Sauer

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Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! <a href=http://jnpnhnryhkjq.com >http://jnpnhnryhkjq.com</a>
There's no wrong way for a wiki [[engine]] to implement Creole (see [[goals]]).
== Three suggestions
* [[Mixed Mode]] - allow mixed markup of traditional (regular markup for that particular engine) and Creole (sometimes this method is not possible or desirable)
* [[Edit Creole Mode]] - an extra "Edit Creole" button is added which translates the current wiki markup to Creole while placing the advanced syntax (i.e. syntax not supported by creole, but by the native wiki engine) into a [Placeholder]. This implementation mode is explained in the [[prototype]] page.
* [[Native Creole]] - Good for new software (new wiki engines or other software that need a lightweight markup language)
It can be useful to see implementation scenarios. Some examples were discussed at WikiSym 06 and can be found on the [prototypes].
see also
* [[Engines]] implementing/planning to implement creole
* [[Wikis supporting creole]] (using creole as their markup)
* [[Text Editors]] supporting creole markup
If you are planning to implement creole in your engine/tool you might find help on the [[troubleshooting]] page about tricky parts of creole.
== Using standard technology ==
Junghans, Riehle, et al. made available a [[EBNF Grammar for Creole 1.0]] as well as XML-based transformations etc. to use standard technology when implementing a parser and a wiki engine, see http://www.riehle.org/wiki-creole.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
38 07-Mar-2008 00:51 1.419 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous restore
37 06-Mar-2008 21:46 0.092 kB to previous | to last orwcueggqr
36 23-Jan-2008 18:29 1.419 kB to previous | to last
35 13-Nov-2007 13:54 1.153 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last two -> three
34 29-Oct-2007 16:06 1.151 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last restore
33 29-Oct-2007 16:04 1.164 kB to previous | to last
32 25-Oct-2007 13:46 1.151 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last cleanup
31 25-Oct-2007 04:13 1.167 kB to previous | to last
30 25-Oct-2007 01:41 1.151 kB to previous | to last minor editing to make sense
29 21-Oct-2007 21:31 1.187 kB to previous | to last restore
28 21-Oct-2007 20:34 1.197 kB to previous | to last
27 16-Oct-2007 15:19 1.187 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last restore
26 16-Oct-2007 12:56 1.217 kB to previous | to last
25 16-Oct-2007 12:23 1.199 kB to previous | to last
24 16-Oct-2007 09:43 1.187 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last remove dirt
23 16-Oct-2007 09:23 1.196 kB to previous | to last
22 26-Sep-2007 08:52 1.187 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last restore
21 26-Sep-2007 00:49 1.221 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-38) was last changed on 07-Mär-2008 00:51 by RadomirDopieralski