Nyctergatis Markup Engine (NME) is an open-source
implementation of a Creole parser written in C. More background about its objectives with
respect to Creole can be found in YvesPiguet page. NME is used in the scientific software
Sysquake 4
for reports and help files.
It is not linked to any wiki, but you can try its
It has the following features
Creole 1.0 features:
- bold, italic
- unordered lists and ordered lists with nesting
- headings
- links, hooks for autolinks
- paragraphs
- line breaks
- block preformatted
- horizontal rule
- tables with headings
- images, including in links
- inline nowiki (optionally rendered in monospace)
- escape character
- plugins and placeholders
- definition lists
- indented text
- monospace, underline, superscript, subscript
- all these additions can be disabled separately
Parser features:
- C library and command-line application, C++ and Python glue
- one pass, based on a state machine
- many options: support for "blog-like paragraphs" where line breaks are paragraph separators, heading numbering, and many features (links, images, styles, etc) can be disabled independently
- support for automatic conversion of text patterns, such as CamelCase words or URL to links, smileys to images, etc.
- link translation
- the parser is as forgiving as possible, producing valid output even with unbalanced markup
- conversion to HTML, RTF, LaTeX, plain text, Creole, man page, JSPWiki, or customized
- conversion for GTK+ (cross-platform) and MFC (Windows)
- style information can be extracted separately, with byte or unicode indices
- plugins where output can be written directly with target format or translated from Creole
- open-source (new BSD license)
- last update: 25 August 2008
- the sandbox has now (3 Nov 07) an output format for slides, and a presentation of NME
as an example; each level-2 heading starts a new slide, and the first slide, which contains a level-1 heading, centers text
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