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These are the current (Revisions/Recommendations/Specifications/Versions) on creole, that we publish according to our Release Policy. See the ChangeLog for an overview of differences between the versions. Take a look at CheatSheet for a quick overview of markup elements.

Creole 1.0 - final (2007-Jul-04), frozen for two years#

Changes from Creole 0.6:

  • replaced hyphen back to asterisk for bullet lists
  • added interwiki links

Check out the Creole 1.0 Test Cases

Also, see the Creole 1.0 Grammars.

Creole 0.7 - rejected, no consensus (2007-May-02)#

Changes from Creole 0.6:

  • added interwiki links
  • more details about disambiguation of hyphens from signatures
  • nowiki monospace left to developer with best practice of making nowiki in-line and block to be monospace

Creole 0.6 - stable (2007-Apr-24)#


Creole 0.5 - stable (2007-Feb-27)#


Not to forget:

Changes from Creole 0.4:

  • space as escape character before ending triple curly braces in nowiki (see Add No Wiki Escape Proposal)
  • embedded nowiki/preformatted is allowed in tables
  • Changed: "Any markup except for images within a link will not be parsed." -> "At least images inside links must be supported. Parsing other markup within a link is not required (optional)."
  • equal sign directly following pipe defines a table header (see Talk.Table)
  • relaxed the "no markup allowed" rules

Creole 0.4 - stable (2007-Jan-31)#


Changes from Creole 0.3:

  • requirement to support wiki-style linebreaks \\ - (see ChangeLinebreakMarkupProposal)
  • can put line breaks in table cells
  • allow for level one headings like this: = really big heading =

Creole 0.3 - stable#

Final v0.3 spec of Creole (2006-Dec-19)

Changes from Creole 0.2:

  • Tables - all cells separated by single pipes
  • Removed rule: "Links should not be allowed to contain a linebreak."
  • Added summary of reasoning for markup elements in comment boxes.

Creole 0.2 - stable#

Final v0.2 spec of Creole (2006-Nov-20)

Changes from Creole 0.1:

  • Images now can have optional ALT text {{flower.png|alt text}}

Creole 0.1 - stable#

Final v0.1 spec of Creole (2006-Sep-11)

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« This page (revision-62) was last changed on 12-Okt-2008 14:32 by ChristophSauer