The following wikis (sites, not engines) support creole:
- AERJ - Asocio Esperanta de Rio-de-Ĵanejro
- Bitbucket - a Mercurial version control system host - using the Python creoleparser module
- Extension for OddMuse
- Kantaro-Vikio - community collecting Esperanto song lyrics using DokuWiki
- La Venko-Vikio - community collecting funny pictures of "Esperanto" signs
- MyOpenLink - OpenLink Data Spaces public access site. Create your own wiki instance, or work within someone else's. Note that Creole support is a per-cluster setting, where clusters are contained within instances -- so not all instances will support Creole, though the overall Data Spaces do.
- OpenOffice Wiki - The German Open Office Wiki uses Creole
- PageOfText - You decide the content... it's just a page of text. Creole markup is available in the "advanced options" for a page.
- Sylabus AMU - using the MoinMoin Creole parser plugin (private wiki, but here are some public pages)
- TingWiki - using the Creole Markup Extension for OddMuse
- WikiCreole (this wiki) - using the JSPWiki:CreolePageFilter.
- WikiOhana - using the Creole Markup Extension for OddMuse
The following sites are not really wikis (in terms of collaborative content authoring), but use creole:
- Sheep's wiki and diary - using the Creole Markup Extension for OddMuse
Also see Engines
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