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This page (revision-14) was last changed on 25-Apr-2007 16:46 by ChuckSmith  

This page was created on 29-Dec-2006 08:26 by

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Difference between version and

At line 112 changed one line
__About unordered lists and bold:__ a line starting with ** (including optional whitespace before and afterwards), immediately following an unordered list element a line above, will be treated as a nested unordered list element. Otherwise it will be treated as the beginning of bold text. Also note that bold and/or italics cannot span lines in a list.
**About unordered lists and bold:** a line starting with {{{ ** }}} (including optional whitespace before and afterwards), immediately following an unordered list element a line above, will be treated as a nested unordered list element. Otherwise it will be treated as the beginning of bold text. Also note that bold and/or italics cannot span lines in a list.
At line 353 changed one line
Some examples of markup are: <tt>** &lt;i&gt;this&lt;/i&gt; **</tt>
Some examples of markup are: <tt>** <i>this</i> **</tt>
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
14 25-Apr-2007 16:46 12.927 kB ChuckSmith to previous fixed Creole rendering problem in Lists
13 31-Jan-2007 17:14 12.931 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last added individual markup reasoning links
12 31-Jan-2007 11:24 12.359 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last final -> stable
11 31-Jan-2007 11:24 12.358 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last final spec
10 30-Jan-2007 10:44 12.395 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last typos, added line break in table example
9 27-Jan-2007 11:20 12.319 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last changed linebreak specification to "require \\", added comments
8 24-Jan-2007 13:01 11.896 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last line breaks up to implementer - discussion extended to 31 Jan
7 20-Jan-2007 16:43 11.412 kB PatrickMichaud to previous | to last linebreaks no longer produce
6 20-Jan-2007 16:32 11.418 kB PatrickMichaud to previous | to last headers -> headings
5 16-Jan-2007 10:33 11.416 kB Christoph to previous | to last
4 11-Jan-2007 13:46 11.379 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last line breaks in table cells
3 10-Jan-2007 17:17 11.329 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last new spec, discussed til 24 Jan 2007
2 29-Dec-2006 08:12 0.002 kB to previous | to last
1 29-Dec-2006 08:26 0.295 kB to last
« This page (revision-14) was last changed on 25-Apr-2007 16:46 by ChuckSmith