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Possible Goals#

The following goals where formulated at the Wikisym 06. Those goals where votet. Every participant had three votes. Goals that had more than four votes are in bold.

Markup should be:

  1. Collision Free (Principle of least conflict)
  2. Not new (Principle of least innovation)
  3. Extensible by omission
  4. Cover the common things people need
  5. avoiding Text Tags (principle of I18N)
  6. Avoiding difficult Key Combos (Principle of Foreign Keyboards)
  7. Have a sort of best practices
  8. Distinction between images and pages
  9. Not reliant on whitespaces
  10. Stable for the next 3 years
  11. non-destructive on current page structure (editing does not remove elements)
  12. theres no wrong way to implement creole
  13. fast to type
  14. not html
  15. readable
  16. easy to learn/teach
  17. clear seperation of markup & content
  18. less principles than markup
  19. well defined whitespace

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« This particular version was published on 28-Aug-2006 12:08 by