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(consensus: space optional, up to level 6)
== Level 1 (Largest)
=== Level 2
==== Level 3
  • equal signs optional after header
  • if amount of equal signs on left and right are unequal, follow the number on the left side

WikiMatrix headings syntax comparison



== Heading ==
=== Subheading ====
==== Subsubheading ==
==== Subsubheading
Some paragraph text
== Heading


= Heading 0
===== Heading 4
== Long heading
doesn't span lines

Some text ==heading== some text

Proposed bad:

== Heading with [[link]]
== Heading with **bold** or //italics//
== Heading with {{Image:image|image}}
== Heading with <<6>> placeholder

Also see All Markup

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« This particular version was published on 04-Sep-2006 17:56 by