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Test Cases#

Test if this works in your wiki. If not, your implementation has an ambiguity problem (or the creole spec has to be more clear about it!).

This is an //italic// text. \\
This is a url: http://www.wikicreole.org. \\
This is what can go wrong://this should be an italic text//.\\
How about //a link, like http://example.org, in italic// text? \\
Formatted fruits, for example://apples//, oranges, **pears** ... \\
	& \\
How about a link, like http://example.org, in italic// text?

This is how it should look like

This is an italic text.
This is a url: http://www.wikicreole.org.
This is what can go wrong:this should be an italic text.
How about a link, like http://example.org, in italic text?
Formatted fruits, for example:apples, oranges, pears ...
How about a link, like http://example.org, in italic text?

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« This page (revision-9) was last changed on 14-Sep-2008 19:44 by StephenDay