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Almost all wikis use square brackets ([[]]) to make links. Using double square brackets allows single square brackets to be used freely without worry of turning them into links.

Using the same markup for both internal and external links makes it easier to learn and remember.

was chosen since most wikis put the link before the text and this is also a precedence of HTML.

Raw URLs included in text are distinctive enough to be detected easily. Making them into links saves the users some hassle.

Links in wiki engines#

(26) Single square brackets - Clearspace, Confluence, ErfurtWiki, Giki, JSPWiki, KWikiKWiki, Midgard Wiki, Netcipia, nexdo, PBwiki, PhpWiki, ProjectForum, ProntoWiki, ProWiki, ScrewTurn Wiki, SeedWiki, SnipSnap, Socialtext, TracWiki, Wala Wiki, Wiclear, Wikepage, wxWikiServer, XWiki, Zwiki

(23) Double square brackets - DokuWiki, EditMe, GeboGebo, IkeWiki, JAMWiki, MediaWiki, miniWiki, Oddmuse, OpenWikiNG, PmWiki, PukiWiki, Qwik, ScrewTurn Wiki, SeedWiki, StikiPad, TiddlyWiki, TWiki, VQWiki, WikiDoc, Wikispaces, WikkaWiki, WikyBlog, Zwiki

(2) ["link"] - MoinMoin, MoniWiki

Links with descriptions in wiki engines#

(18) Link first - DokuWiki, ErfurtWiki, GeboGebo, IkeWiki, JAMWiki, MediaWiki, Midgard Wiki, miniWiki, PmWiki, Qwik, ScrewTurn Wiki, TracWiki, TWiki, WikiDoc, Wikispaces, WikkaWiki, WikyBlog, wxWikiServer

(9) Description first - Confluence, Giki, JSPWiki, Netcipia, PhpWiki, PmWiki, PodWiki, PukiWiki, XWiki

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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
Links in wiki engines.dat 0.1 kB 17 15-Jul-2008 17:23 unknown
» Links in wiki engines.png 12.8 kB 17 15-Jul-2008 17:23 unknown
Links with descriptions in wiki engines.dat 0.0 kB 17 15-Jul-2008 17:23 unknown
» Links with descriptions in wiki engines.png 11.2 kB 17 15-Jul-2008 17:23 unknown
« This particular version was published on 04-Apr-2007 12:15 by ChuckSmith.