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Nyctergatis Markup Engine (NME) is an open-source implementation of a Creole parser written in C. More background about its objectives with respect to Creole can be found in YvesPiguet page. NME is not linked to any wiki, but you can try its sandbox. It has the following features:

Creole 1.0 features:

  • bold, italic, bold italic
  • unordered lists and ordered lists with nesting up to 8 levels
  • headings level 1-4
  • links, hooks for autolinks
  • paragraphs
  • line breaks
  • preformatted
  • horizontal rule
  • tables with headings
  • images, including in links
  • plugins and placeholders

Differences (deliberate):

  • in preformatted text, space+}}} is rendered as is, with space

Other markup:

Other differences:

Parser features:

  • C library and command-line application, C++ and Python glue
  • one pass, based on a state machine
  • many options: support for "blog-like paragraphs" where line breaks are paragraph separators, heading numbering, and many features (links, images, styles, etc) can be disabled independently
  • support for automatic conversion of text patterns, such as CamelCase words or URL to links, smileys to images, etc.
  • the parser is as forgiving as possible, producing valid output even with unbalanced markup
  • conversion to HTML, RTF, LaTeX, plain text, Creole, man page, JSPWiki, or customized
  • style information can be extracted separately
  • plugins where output can be written directly with target format or translated from Creole
  • open-source (new BSD license)
  • last update: 7 June 2007

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« This particular version was published on 07-Jun-2007 22:32 by YvesPiguet.