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Like the inline quote proposal, most people don't care about this I guess...

--no signature

Not yet, but we need to think about this, together with things like aliases and forwarding in the future. It would be very helpful if we could somehow unify this. However e.g. JSPWiki has a standard mechanism for aliases, but not for acronyms and abbreviations. This would be handled by a plugin there, or a page directive.

Question for these kind of things is: Should it become part of the "punctuation" or would it not be better to define a standard plugin/extension syntax, and think of these kind of mechanisms in terms of "plugins". This way different engines could use the same "Signature" for plugins, but implement them differently, without having to extend their parsers. Plugin names could even be localized...

== Access Control Lists
<<Acronym = "ACL">>
<<Alias = "AccessControlMarkup">> Should the alias be defined on the page forwarding, or on the page that is the target of the forwarding?

This way maybe a standard set of might evolve from this, without having to define all kinds markup for functional extensions. However i don't know how many engines have this feature. How do Plugins/Extensions in MoinMoin work?

-- ChristophSauer, 2008-Apr-16 08:45 (CEST)

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« This particular version was published on 16-Apr-2008 08:45 by ChristophSauer.