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Tilde is already the escape character. Plugin syntax would be the most obvious choice (something like <<sig>>).

-- YvesPiguet, 2008-May-19

Problem with Plugins is that they always create content at runtime (per page view) in the context of the current user. So if you would write a plugin in JSPWiki named <<Sig>> it could always only replace the current user logged in. Clearly not what was intended. In JSPWiki the magic word "Signature" was implemented by a filter, replacing a markup at translation time, replacing the two minus and 4 tildes. So we have to distinguish from an technical point of view between

  • Always at runtime -> plugins, create content dynamically (like portlets in portal software)
  • Pre Translate -> filter
  • Translate -> parser
  • Post Translate -> filter

I don't have a clear picture yet how to categorize them more clearly to fit for all engines and converters. But because of the "PreTranslate" of the magic words, the tildes where no problem to implement in JSPWiki, except that you have to avoid to "pretranslate" them if they are put into a nowiki block.


I would therefore suggest that we prefix a magic word something, e. g. two dashes.

-- ChristophSauer, 2008-Mai-24 10:01 (CEST)

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« This particular version was published on 24-Mai-2008 10:02 by ChristophSauer.