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This page (revision-254) was last changed on 06-Jun-2008 20:25 by RadomirDopieralski  

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This is the [peripheral vision|http://www.zengestrom.com/blog/2006/07/blind_mens_base.html] page. We try to collect stuff here that is going on outside of this wiki. So don't use this page directly to discuss, instead use the discussion pages that belong to the page you are interested in. If you would like to suggest something and don't know where to put it, use the [Talk] page.
== Blogentries
People's opinions on creole.
* [http://www.eekim.com/blog/2006/08/07/wikimania2006creole]
* [http://www.ecyrd.com/ButtUgly/wiki/Main_blogentry_290806_1]
* [http://www.blogschmog.net/blog/?p=420]
* [http://www.blogschmog.net/blog/?p=395]
* [http://wiki.sheep.art.pl/wiki/2006-08-29_wiki]
* [http://www.cosmocode.de/en/blogs/gohr/20060823230943/index.html]
* [http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/alex/2006-09-04_Wiki_Creole]
* [http://wiki.sheep.art.pl/2007-01-31_wiki]
* [http://www.oddmuse.org/cgi-bin/oddmuse/Comments_on_Creole_Markup_Extension]
* [http://socialsynergy.typepad.com/social_synergy/2007/04/the_technosocia.html]
add your blogentries here...
== Mailing Lists
* [[http://www.wikisym.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/wiki-research|Wiki research mailing list]]
* [[http://www.wikisym.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/wiki-standards|Wiki standards mailing list]]
== IRC Channel
* Creole: #creole on freenode
* Wiki: #wiki on freenode
== Wiki Conferences
* RecentChangesCamp - http://www.rocococamp.info/ - Montreal, 18-20 May 2007
* Wikimania - http://www.wikimania.org/ - Taipei, 3-5 Aug 2007 (lecture and poster presentation on Creole)
* WikiSym - http://www.wikisym.org - Montreal, 21-23 Oct 2007
== Newsletters
* [OLPC news|http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news?OpenDocument]
== Other Discussions and Markup Standardization Attempts
* [[Crossmark]] - markup standard for [[One Laptop Per Child]] project
* [[http://ghestalt.ghilbert.org/wiki/WikiMarkup|Ghestalt]] - variant of WikiCreole especially for Ghilbert proofs
* [Meatball Discussion on Wiki Markup Standard|http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?WikiMarkupStandard]
* [Markdown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/] - lightweight markup language used in variety of programming languages
* [mozilla.org Markup Reference|http://www.mozilla.org/contribute/writing/markup]
* [New syntax draft|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/2005-06-13/New_syntax_draft] - Daniel Lee Crocker's proposal for MediaWiki syntax reform
* [Textile|http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/]
* [TikiWiki RFC|http://tikiwiki.org/RFCWiki]
* [YAML|http://www.yaml.org/] - machine parsable data serialization format designed for human readability
* [[Microformats]] - markup for the [[semantic web]]
* [[http://www.w3.org/Tools/YODL.html|YODL]] - an old and discontinued text markup
* [[http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1896|RFC1896]] - text/enriched MIME type specification
* [[http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2646.txt|RFC2646]] - The Text/Plain Format Parameter (includes quoting, signatures and flawed paragraphs)
* [[http://kb.mozillazine.org/Thunderbird_:_FAQs_:_Viewing_Headers#Enhanced_plain_text_features| MozillaZine - Mail content types]] - Thunderbirds' enhanced plain text features
* [[http://catb.org/jargon/html/writing-style.html|Hacker Writing Style]] - in Eric S. Raymond's "The Jargon File"
* [[Wikipedia:Emoticons]] are markup.
* [[Wikipedia:Comparison_of_lightweight_markup_languages]] give some overview
* [[http://nepomuk.semanticdesktop.org/xwiki/bin/view/Components/WikiModel|WikiModel]] - offers a model for wiki documents
== Related Initiatives
* [[http://www.tei-c.org/|Text Encoding Initiative]] -- an organisation for developing an international and interdisciplinary standard that enables libraries, museums, publishers, and individual scholars to represent a variety of literary and linguistic texts for online research, teaching, and preservation.
== Other Wiki Standardization Attempts
* [Amo API|http://www.eu.socialtext.net/amo/index.cgi?the_amo_api]
* [Interwiki Workshop, Wikisym 2005|http://ws2005.wikisym.org/space/Interwiki+Workshop]
* [Meatball:WikiSyntax], [Meatball:WikiMarkupStandard], [Meatball:WikiCoreAstStandard], [Meatball:SillyTextFormattingRules]
== Critics on Markup Mess
* http://goessner.net/articles/wiky/
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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
254 06-Jun-2008 20:25 4.789 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous
253 06-Jun-2008 20:25 4.787 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last
252 13-Apr-2008 19:00 4.721 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last restore
251 13-Apr-2008 09:49 0.142 kB to previous | to last 286.571428571429
250 08-Apr-2008 08:36 4.721 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last restore
249 06-Apr-2008 20:48 0.062 kB to previous | to last jevzqnoa jybeqhirf
248 08-Mar-2008 08:19 4.721 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last restore
247 06-Mar-2008 21:50 0.096 kB to previous | to last ibjwxzcpfj
246 21-Nov-2007 14:08 4.721 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last another blog entry
245 14-Nov-2007 13:05 4.666 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last + page on WikiFeatures wiki
244 13-Nov-2007 12:04 4.574 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last
243 07-Nov-2007 16:50 4.501 kB to previous | to last
242 07-Nov-2007 16:48 4.499 kB to previous | to last discussion from MoinMoin
241 26-Sep-2007 12:34 4.391 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last restore
« This page (revision-254) was last changed on 06-Jun-2008 20:25 by RadomirDopieralski