This page is a failed attempt at providing a context-free grammar for Creole and is terribly outdated. Please don't rely on it.
<foo> -- this is a varibale | -- alternative * -- this repeats variable zero or more times + -- this repeats variable one or more times ? -- this repeats variable zero or one time ^ -- beginning of the line $ -- end of the line . -- any character but end-of-line "foo" -- literal string \s -- space, tab, vertical tab or line feed [bar] -- like in regular expressions, any one character of "b", "a" or "r"
<page> := <block>* <block> := <paragraph> | <list> | <preformatted> | <heading> | <horizontal line> | <empty line> <empty line> := ^ \s* $ <horizontal line> := ^ "----" "-"* \s* $ <heading> := <heading 1> | <heading 2> | <heading 3> <heading 1> := ^ "==" \s* <heading text> \s* "="* \s* $ <heading 2> := ^ "===" \s* <heading text> \s* "="* \s* $ <heading 3> := ^ "====" \s* <heading text> \s* "="* \s* $ <heading text> := <text part>+ <preformatted> := ^ "{{{" \s* $ <preformatted line>* ^ \s* "}" "}" "}" \s* $ <preformatted line> ^ .* $ <paragraph> := <text line>+ <text line> := ^ <text part>+ $ (cannot start with a "-") <text part> := <normal text> | <italic text> | <bold text> | <link> | <image> | <placeholder> <italic text> := "//" <text part>+ "//" <bold text> := "**" <text part>+ "**" <normal text> := .+ <placeholder> := "<<" \d+ ">>" <image> := <image with alt> | <image without alt> <image with alt> := "{{" <image address> "|" <alt> "}" "}" <image without alt> := "{{" <image address> "}" "}" <image address> := <image file> | <page name> | <url> <image file> := .* "." <image file extension> <image file extension> := "gif" | "jpg" | "jpeg" | "png" | "svg" <link> := <link with text> | <link without text> <link with text> := "[[" <link address> "|" <link text> "]]" <link without text> := "[[" <link address> "]]" <link address> := <page name> | <url> <url> := <url protocol> ":" <rest of url> ;) <url protocol> := "http" | "https" | "ftp" | "mailto" | "news" | "irc" <rest of url> := .+ <page name> := [a-zA-Z0-9.?!_ -]+ <list> := <first list element> <list element>* <first list element> := <first bullet> | <first number> <first bullet element> := ^ "*" \s <text part>* $ <first number element> := ^ "#" \s <text part>* $ <bullet element> := ^ "*"+ \s <text part>* $ <number element> := ^ "#"+ \s <text part>* $ }}} !Note: This grammar is ambigious. Some rules will conflict with others (reduce-reduce conflicts). Avoiding it would require to increase the number of productions considerably. Maybe I shlould include priorities instead, to be used to resolve the conflicts? There are also some shift-reduce conflicts. For example, this could be parsed as being all bold: {{{ **bold** not bold **bold** }}} The lists grammar here doesn't enforce one-by-one increasing of list levels. Some assumption are made about the syntax available inside headings and link text. __This must be specified!__
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